Sunday, April 29, 2012


I took out my camera once this week. And got this one shot. 

There is so much I could say. 

But sometimes the quiet is just as good. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Month in Photos

It's been a busy few weeks. Just like it always is at the end of the year. And somehow I'm still surprised by it. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Good

So I came home from school. About half an hour ago. And no, it wasn't a particularly good day.

First day back after Spring Break. A whole glorious week of sleeping in, no homework, friends, movies, lemonade, spur of the moment.

Early morning doctor's appointment. I'm fine; it was just really early. 

Lots of sitting around. I would have thought that having less to do would have improved things, been a good way to ease back in. But there's a difference between having an easy day and being bored. Having nothing to do.

Ex-best friend. I keep thinking I've moved on. And I'm starting to think there's really no such thing.

Okay, so I swear I didn't sit down to write this post to complain about my life. I could go on.

But, what I sat down to write about was the good.

Somewhere, in-between all that bad, some real, true good has come shining through.

All because of this little blog.

The people I've met are just amazing.

And it has always been a place for me to come to clear my head and work things out. And I've gotten some truly amazing comments about that side of things.

I never considered that maybe, just maybe, I could have an impact on other people. That, somehow, by writing honestly and truly, other people would find something in there helpful. Or useful. Or something. I'm not really sure. This is all so new.

But that little glimpse of something new, something bigger than myself, that was exactly what I needed.


"I realized I would always be missing something. That no matter what I did, I would always be missing something else. And the only way to live, the only way to be happy, was to make sure the thing I didn’t miss meant more to me than the things I missed." -David Levithan

This quote has been running through my mind. 

It seems particularly fitting for some things that are happening right now. 

Things I feel I feel I can't talk about here because I am Tela, not Terrie.

And that's okay. That's a decision I made.

Whether it was the right one or not, it's one I now have to live with. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekly Winners: Green and White

This week had a random feel to it, which is just how my photos turned out.