Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pictures in No Particular Order

My mom is back from her trip and so here are the promised pictures, and one from my walk around the house. It's very spring-like (despite the snow on the ground).

New haircut (this isn't a particularly good view of the actual hair, but you get the idea).

Smokey was not happy when I came at her with the camera. But the camera, and my fingers, are still intact.

I bought my first orchid a few days ago. Goal one: don't kill it.

The painting I described a while ago is done and hanging in our dining room.

And the spring-like picture.


Jessica said...

wow. great pics!!!! Thanks for sharing and I LOVE your new hair cute!! :) I really love your painting. its beautiful. you have a true talent to be an artist.

Marion said...

Hi Terrie,
Your Dad gave me the address of your blog, and I am truly amazed. I always knew you were extremely bright and a good hiker, but your artistic talent was a joy and a surprise to view. I also liked the writing- especially the parts about nature and the clouds. Your paintings are awesome. My two younger sisters and I also love to paint. They had a show at a local art gallery last summer which was very well received. I spent a lot of money buying their art for the log cabin I am building on my land in Alaska. It's not done yet, but maybe I can move into it by the end of the summer. It's fun to learn about construction because it's so practical and like art, you can see your results forming as you go.
Take care, and thanks for sharing your creativity!